Roy M. Griffis

Roy M. Griffis


I’ve always liked donkeys

Don’t know why.  Maybe it’s something about their faces.  They seem to take life very seriously.

Turns out in Texas (where we moved and are enjoying a great deal), there are places with more donkeys than local forage for them.  Rather than euthanize them, the state allows people to adopt these donkeys.  Basically, you are fostering the donkey on your land.

Since I hate the idea of animals suffering (see my first By the Hands of Men novel for more on that)…


…once we get some good green East Texas acreage, I plan on adopting.  Since they’re herd animals, it would be cruel to only have one, and so there are two donkeys in my future.

I’m going to …

Along with everything else…

With the impending release of “The Broken Return, Book 3 of The Lonesome George Chronicles,” (and Book One “The Big Bang” is on sale for 99 cents)

and a recent move to Texas…

…I’ve been lagging on updating my faithful fans with details of my doin’s.

Along with everything else (and I haven’t even mentioned the 80-year-old historic home we’re renovating or “Ringside at the Circus of the Fallen” (working title of “Book Four of my By the Hands of Men” series), I did manage to sneak in a radio interview with The Writer’s Block, out of Los Angeles. The fellas were damn kind, and had this to say:

Thursday’s interview with writer, Roy Griffis, (Griff to his

“The Broken Return”- Book Three of The Lonesome George Chronicles

The Broken Return

Book 3 of The Lonesome George Chronicles

"The Broken Return." Now available at Amazon

The story picks up right where Book 2 ended, following the leaders of the rising Resistance as they struggle to survive in what remains of a USA shattered by nuclear attack and a Jihadist invasion in the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency.

In the Arizona desert, Whistler and his tiny band of isolated fighters link up with other patriots to attack the soldiers of the Caliphate.

In Washington, congressional aides Karen and Kevin watch as an unelected government arises on the ashes of the old one and makes a secret deal with America’s enemies.

And, in California, ex-media celebrities Molly Ivins and Alec Baldwin find the will to …

Unpacking Protest Privilege

No one must stand for the anthem. Or salute the flag. Or put hand over heart. Some people consider those respectful actions.

Image result for lone nfl guy standing for anthem

If somebody wants to make a statement, so be it, because, you know, there’s that wacky First Amendment that protects it.

(Hey, can we go all Antifa and make disrespecting the flag “Hate Speech?”

Image result for Anti-hate speech protesters

If we do that, we’ll get all kinds of support from our betters, since Hate Speech is banned in the First Amendment…I jest, I jest…)

But if you have religious convictions against gay marriage? BAKE THE CAKE.

Do you belong to a religion that opposes birth control and abortion? YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT ANYWAY.

(that is, until you’ve burned …

The Elimination Process

By the way, there’s mass-shooting you haven’t heard about.  A Sudanese immigrant went into a church and shot seven people, before one of the ushers (who had a permit for his own weapon) stopped the attempted massacre.
Strangely, it’s not leading the 24-hour news cycle, nor is it fodder for the spiritual leaders of our time (Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel were too busy helping Chuck Schummer propagandize about the need for pre-socialized medicine to address it).  
But in case you were asking yourself, “Hey, I heard that Gunz are Teh Badz.  Why aren’t my leading moral lights telling me about this outrage?”, allow me to go through the Elimination Process that the good folks at Pravda Central

A Fire is Coming in September


Bringing the Fire

Volume Two of The Lonesome George Chronicles

The battle for America rages deep in the heart of Texas and from sea to shining sea, as citizens from all walks of life fight against both the invaders and the collaborators in Bringing the Fire. 


Familiar characters return, including reluctant freedom fighter Whistler, the vengeance-driven Molly Ivins, and George W. Bush, who is trapped in the darkness of a protected bunker as communications with the outside slowly fail.  Determined to serve his country to the last, he undertakes a dangerous escape from the safety of the bunker.  Loyalties are tested and people die as the last elected President of the United States races to save what is …

The Infants’ Crusade

Once more, the national press is suddenly acknowledging what the wretched conservative scum have been saying for a while.  Antifa is a violent criminal organization.  

The Media mandarins can’t actually come out and say conservatives are right, of course, because conservatives are never correct about anything.

However, note that in the Politico story linked above, the violence is ultimately the fault of Trump supporters.

“…reports appear to bolster Trump’s insistence that extremists on the left bore some blame for the clashes in Charlottesville and represent a “problem” nationally. But they also reflect the extent that his own political movement has spurred the violent backlash.”

Yup.  By daring to seek different solutions to the problems they see confronting the nation, …