Roy M. Griffis

Roy M. Griffis


Color me Shocked

That another “respected” journalist was caught out in a lie.  Not one of those “Yes, I can still fit into my prom dress” lies we’ve all told (at least, I have), but a real whopper.  It’s a Hillary-level work of prevarication by NBC anchor Brian Williams about being in a Chinook that came under serious fire from Iraq farmers.  I mean, he almost crashed.

That is, he almost crashed in his imagination.  He’s told this story repeatedly to such credulous listeners as Alec Baldwin and David Letterman.  He was afraid he was going to die.  That is, in that story he mis-remembered.  Conflated.  Whatever.

Remember the outrage from the press over Obama’s many lies?  Yeah, me, neither.  Okay, remember …

“Superego” – It’s not all in your head.


Stop me if you’ve heard this before:  Robert A. Heinlein and Mickey Spillane walk into a bar…

If they ever had sat down with a fifth of Jack Daniels and in the company of a sultry red-headed “typist” named Velma, a novel like Superego might have been the result.

The setting — an interstellar civilization, alien races mingling with humanity, Artificial Intelligence sending your escape craft jumping through wormholes — is pure 50’s SF, hearkening back to to the Grand Master himself, RAH.  That part alone is handled with a scary ease that borders on mastery (if you hear envy leaking into this review, please disregard it as I am above any petty professional jealousies over the skill of

Got my “Author’s Copies” yesterday



Which was very cool.  Been working away on the LG2 sequel…maybe 80 pages left to go on that.

Next week, I fly to New York City for the Liberty Island launch party, which is, you know, kinda spanky.  While in the Big Apple, I’ll have a chance to grab some coffee or lunch with some friends, old and new.  One guy, Mark Lanham, I’ve known since High School.  He’s a working actor, doing off-Broadway and some writing.   I’ll also hang out with the Riot Guuuurlz, Scary Smart Jamie K. Wilson and Ms. Always Right , at which point we’ll no doubt get up to some mischief.

Small Threesome


Did I mention The Big Bang is now on Audio Book?  I’m …

The Fire This Time

 Samzinet Fire This Time(A story from before The Big Bang)


It was just a little school. Like a lot of places there in the Sonoran desert, it was a one-story building from the 50’s, built of cinder block, with a flat roof, all of it painted a remarkably less-than-festive flat white. During the three years Whistler had lived in the vicinity of the school (calling the dwellings scattered over nearly ten miles of sand, scrub, saguaro cactus and every variety of pointy, pokey plant life known to man a “neighborhood” seemed impossibly optimistic to him), he’d observed the little kids outside every spring painting murals on the longest wall, which faced the playground.

The bright, simplistic, and anatomically incorrect figures standing awkwardly

Book Bomb on January 20!

Exploding onto Amazon on December 16

On January 20 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. PST (1-4 EST), we’re staging a book bomb to push The Big Bang (written by moi, Roy M. Griffis) up the charts.  I’m shamelessly asking my friends and supporters (especially you conservatives and libertarians) to spread the word.   You could buy the novel yourself, for instance.  Or, if you could blog or tweet or email during that time (1/20, from 1000 – 1300 PST), sharing a link to the book ( and encouraging your readers or friends to purchase the novel in paperback or e-book, we all win!

You can read an excerpt here:  The Big Bang at the National Review, and who knows, perhaps tweet or …

“The Big Bang” Detonates on January 20


The Big Bang, the first volume of the Lonesome George Chronicles, is already on Amazon as an ebook.  It will be available as a paperback on January 20, 2015, with an audio book version by Audible coming soon, too.  We’ve had some nice blurbs.  Rich Lowry (Editor of the National Review), called it “”A wild romp through a post-apocalyptic America unimaginably awful but also highly contemporary. Buckle your seat belts–and prepare to resist.”   Ben Shapiro, NY Times best-selling author, found the novel “Clever, witty, tense, and a thoroughly enjoyable read!”

I’m nearly finished with the first draft of the sequel…maybe about 150 pages from finishing.  I’ve already finished the first draft of “By the Hands of Men” Books 2 …