Roy M. Griffis

Roy M. Griffis



Had fun chatting with Hidden Gems

For this interview.


Author Spotlight Interview: Roy M. Griffis

Roy M. Griffis

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.By: Hidden Gems on April 12, 2022


Today’s interview is with multi-genre author, Roy M. Griffis. Griffis writes historical fiction, comic fantasy, alternative history and action-adventure screenplays. We were honored to hear from Griffis about his writing style, what inspires him and his exciting upcoming projects.

HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet?

RMG: Savage Satirist, Chronicler of Historical Events that did not take place (but should have), Bon Vivant, Actor, Writer, Hero:  truly, a Renaissance Man.

<and, I hope, pretty clearly someone who doesn’t take themselves that seriously.  But I am very serious about my ethical responsibility to my readers. 

Learn More About Me Than You Ever Planned

…in this lengthy interview I did with the National Fantasy Fan Federation, a very serious group of folks.  The interview touches on my background as well as my writing process, with a focus on my Chthulhu, Amalgamated humorous fantasy series.  I was pleased with the results as Mr. Thiel, the editor of Ionisphere, made me look smarter than I am.

And below:  the interview!




Roy Griffis is a very outgoing writer, as may be found by visiting his site at . He has a Facebook page as well, titled ROY GRIFFIS, STORYTELLER, which is well worth a visit. His email address is [email protected] . His writings are highly individualistic, ranging

“Damn You,” “You Bastard”

Are two of the nicest reader reactions I’ve ever received.

One was for the first book in my Lonesome George Chronicles, The Big Bang, which is being re-issued this year by Conservatarian Press, run by my amiga, Jamie K. Wilson.

The response “You Bastard” was courtesy of one of my long-time friends, Lyle Smythers.  An accomplished actor, he is also a novelist (you can find his books on Amazon.  Not my usual genre, but well-written and creative as heck).  Friends  for the last several decades, we are two very different people in almost every way (politically, socially, etc).  Yet those differences never impeded our support of each other’s art.

So when I saw the subject line of his …

Releasing today: “The Auditors of Doom”

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After his travels Down Among the Humans, our unsung every-Thing Shoggoth is back in the office, where first he has to elude the gooey clutches of the Auditors of Doom. After one of Narg’s wayward HR clients warns him that something terrible is happening back on the planet of the Poo Flingers, our hero decides to investigate the rumour for Itself. Thus begins a journey to a land far stranger than the Earth Narg knew: a place called Texas!
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Texas Is Way More Freakytown Than I Expected

I have stayed at the Emily Morgan hotel, where a couple of freaky things happened late at night. I plan on checking out some of the others in the future.
These are the most haunted places in Texas, according to Yelp:
  1. The Driskill – Austin, TX
  2. The Driskill Bar – Austin, TX
  3. Menger Hotel – San Antonio, TX
  4. Clay Pit – Austin, TX
  5. Miss Molly’s Hotel – Fort Worth, TX
  6. Monteleone’s – El Paso, TX
  7. The Emily Morgan Hotel – San Antonio, TX
  8. The Alamo – San Antonio, TX
  9. Jefferson Hotel – Jefferson, TX
  10. The Tremont House Hotel – Galveston, TX



Lots to Do in 2022


I’m way behind on updating this blog with all the Kool Stuff that’s going on.  But life is what happens when you’re working to make the  Kool Stuff real.

So far this year, my wife, Alisa, has had a full knee replacement, and I was doing my best to assist with that.  We had to put our oldest dog, Hans, to sleep (fast-growing cancer).  Then I got hit by COVID 4.x or whatever it is.  First couple of days were a major drag due to the chills and fatigue, but now it’s more less a head cold.  I’ll be back at the day job tomorrow.

That’s not Kool Stuff, however.





Those we have loved…

The theme for 2022 is starting to look like “losing those we love.”  Just before Thanksgiving, our oldest cat, Felix, died suddenly and peacefully.  We knew he was old (almost 19 is our guess, since he was a rescue), and we knew it was coming, but he wasn’t in any pain or distress, as far as we could tell.

He was a great big bundle of love, comforter to so many children (like my son, below, in 2006), as well as the kind of feline that made “cat-haters” reconsider their prejudices.  He was always calm and easy-going, with a deep rumbling purr whenever we petted him, and I am growing misty-eyed writing that line.


Things Change

And they keep changing

I was going to write a quick note about having to change my desk layout to accommodate Babykat.  She has taken to sitting on my keyboard tray, basically with her head on my left hand as I type (new aliment:  cat-induced carpal tunnel).  Which means I’ve had to shift my work space to the right a little to make room for her.

But then I realized I’d also need to provide some context for this new behavior.  

You see, our older cat, Felix (final photo of him below) died suddenly and peacefully just before Thanksgiving.  He was nearly 20 years, well-loved by everyone.  

Babykat spent her whole life with him (and me and our family).  Simple

Writer Problems

Not tryin' to save anybody's life here

But it’s damned annoying.

Dunno about any of you, but I kind of have a clock in my head (it takes up more mental space the older I get, but that’s a confession for another time).   The clock is multi-functional, tracking hours, days, years, and regret…yes, I had to pay extra to get that feature installed.

Regardless, yesterday I was printing a copy of my next, as-yet unreleased novel  (The Auditors of Doom) for my son to read and I happened to notice that the formatting on the internal dialogue was incorrect.  It should be in italics, but most of it was in normal text.

For what it’s worth, it turns