Lots to Do in 2022

I’m way behind on updating this blog with all the Kool Stuff that’s going on. But life is what happens when you’re working to make the Kool Stuff real.
So far this year, my wife, Alisa, has had a full knee replacement, and I was doing my best to assist with that. We had to put our oldest dog, Hans, to sleep (fast-growing cancer). Then I got hit by COVID 4.x or whatever it is. First couple of days were a major drag due to the chills and fatigue, but now it’s more less a head cold. I’ll be back at the day job tomorrow.
That’s not Kool Stuff, however.
This is the Kool Stuff
Cthulhu, Amalgamated
Book Two in my Cthulhu, Amalgamated series, The Auditors of Doom will be released February 7. Book Three is being revised and will be released in early summer.
A new series coming from Arcane City
I’ve been contracted to write a three-book series for the good folks at Arcane City. I don’t want to say too much about the books (I want them to be a surprise for everyone…even my wife doesn’t know how my books end until she reads the draft I give her), but the first novel is called “Deep in the Heart of Salem.”
Those books are due pretty soon, which is one reason the current case of COVID is annoying me. But I like the story I want to tell, so I’m looking forward to diving back into it in the next day or so.
…but, wait, there’s more!
The Lonesome George Chronicles will be republished beginning June of this year by Conservatarian Press.
and last but not least…
Once I have completed my new trilogy for Arcane City, I will start work on the new volume of By the Hands of Men. Book Seven will be called Taking the King’s Coin.
My goal is have it complete and published in time for Christmas, 2022.
Guess I’d better get started writing, huh?