Roy M. Griffis

Roy M. Griffis


How cool is this?

Some of you may not know I live in a little mountain town (which I used to refer to as “Mayberry on the Mountain“).  I’ve lived here 14 years now, the longest I’ve ever been in the same home in my life.

As happens in any community, the service people and other folks will start to recognize you (even in big cities, people will get to know you, if you have any sort of routine).  Anyway, I was dropping by our small local library to return another book I hadn’t had time to read (“The Watchers,” about the first Queen Elizabeth’s spy ring...looked fascinating) and one of the younger librarians hurried over.  “We ordered your book,” she told me.  “We’ll have you to sign it when it comes in.”

“Great,” I told her.  “And I want to get a picture of me with all the librarians.”

“Of course!” she assured me with a big smile before heading back behind the counter.

How cool is that?


Typically, BabyKat was less than impressed.




5 thoughts on “How cool is this?”

    1. Roy "Griff" Griffis

      Very kind, Kristina. Hoping you have a copy of “the book of a rising star in your library.” 🙂

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