Roy M. Griffis

Roy M. Griffis


Review o’ Rama!

Man, I am behind on this one. Been fighting some family health issues (like the rest of us, right?), which means writing has slowed, the chickens are feeling lonely (they are really charming creatures), and the to-do list gets longer every day. Oh, yeah, we rescued a dog, too. A sweet boxer that was being neglected. But Moses –he was found and rescued, as it were–is doing great, getting regular meals and lots of affection and reassurance.

When he looks less emaciated, I’ll get some photos posted of him.

Meanwhile, I wanted to share some of the nifty reviews the audio books are getting:

Intrigued (5 stars)

What a delightful journey! Narg is the most endearing alien you’ll ever meet. The narration fit the characters to a T. The story is artfully crafted with a surprise from the author at the end. It’s intriguing and keeps your attention throughout. I had a hard time turning it off to do other things and now that it’s done I am hoping it won’t be too long before the next installment.

Then there is this one:

Great Read! (5 Stars)

When I first heard about this book, I was quite excited for a new and humorous spin on the Cthulhu mythos, and Mr. Griffis did not disappoint. Starting with the artful reconciling of the triple juxtaposition of perspectives – Cthulian / Earthly / humorous – the initial chapters establish the “humanizing” of a shoggoth’s perceptions. With this refreshingly hilarious point of view, the story develops into a classic, potentially earth-as-we-know-it ending, clash of the spheres. Couched in perfect British tongue-in-cheek style, and hostage to Elder God interoffice bureaucracy, I greatly enjoyed this unique take on Cthulhu mythos and am very much looking forward to the next installment!

The Old World, Book One of the By the Hands of Men series audiobook version is also available direct from me by clicking on the cover below, and it’s on Audible, Kobo, Google, Barnes and Noble, Chirp, etc.


Check out this lovely review:

Rich Experience (4 Stars)

Robert Fitzgerald is a young English Lieutenant fighting in WW1. Robert assists Charlotte Braninov, a nurse, save the life of another soldier. Parting, their encounter lingered long in their minds until they are reunited once again. As the war continues wreaking havoc, death, and destruction across Europe their journey takes them around the world. One must question whether the strength of their love will survive.

The author, Roy M. Griffis delivers a fascinating, engrossing creative fictional novel based on historical events and several people. He goes into vivid and graphic details leaving nothing to the imagination. His character development is just as rich and detailed as well. The listener cannot help but be drawn into the story.

The narrator, Ian Pringle does a great job of narration utilizing unique voices for each and projecting the appropriate emotions. I found his performance to be equally rich and entertaining, especially when voicing Robert Fitzgerald in his stiff and proper manner equal to his personality. I found his performance to be entertaining and added to the story.

While this is a rich and excellent experience due to the efforts of the author and narrator, the story became bogged down in details. Overall, this book about fate, loss, and cruelty of humanity is well worth the time to hear.

2 thoughts on “Review o’ Rama!”

  1. Isabel Frischhertz

    I truly enjoyed all 6 books, By the Hands of Men. It contains an abundance of detail which I applaud. I learned more about the era of the Great War and the aftermath than I ever expected. The love story is always in the back of your mind as you read about the adventures of both Charlotte and Robert after WWl.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write, ma’am. I love to hear from readers, and appreciative notes like yours make my day, if not my month.

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